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Owner & Head Coach
Military service taught me many things but the biggest one it taught me is integrity. Integrity is a learned trait & I attribute where I am at now to that. Helping people reach points in their fitness is priceless & it is why I opened Gnardog CrossFit.
I do what I love & I haven’t worked a day since.

American Council on Exercise – PT

CrossFit Level 3
CrossFit Powerlifting
CrossFit Mobility
CrossFit Weightlifting
CrossFit Strongman






Fight Gone Bad is my favorite workout next to Hero WOD Manion. I love to focus on intensity in WOD’s and technique in Olympic Lifting. I discovered Gnardog shortly after it opened and have really enjoyed becoming part of the community. Prior to CrossFit, I worked as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for 7 years.  I am married to an amazing Man and we live in Reedley with our 4 children and dog.  My passion is CrossFit and road cycling.
CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

CrossFit Weightlifting

BA Business Management




I joined Gnardog CrossFit in 2017, I was in my Senior year in high school. I came in with the idea of "this is easy" and sure enough I met the Thruster. Making the effort to show up to the gym and making yourself better than yesterday is what is always on my mind. I love lifting heavy weight with friends. When I am not at the gym I keep myself busy with school, work, and my family.

CrossFit Level 1





I live in the fine community of Parlier. I started CrossFit through some friends in 2014. What I love most about CrossFit is the suffering and community. It’s been a great experience and personal journey to be pushed outside of my comfort zone. There is something about suffering and knowing that the person right next to you is going through the same thing and prevailing that makes you push harder. I’ve personally gotten to benefit from the community aspect, as it’s given me some of my best friends. My favorite lift/movement is power cleans and double unders. My favorite benchmark is Grace. During the day I am a hairstylist at a senior living facility. When I am not coaching you can find me lifting and cracking a cold one with friends. Through CrossFit I’ve found that I can achieve more than I ever thought possible and I look forward to helping you on your path to be better than yesterday.

CrossFit Level 1




This is my first year Coaching CrossFit and I strive to help athletes improve their goals of fitness and health.  I love seeing their progress and want to be a part of their journeys.  My favorite CrossFit movement is 1RM anything!  Give me a heavy day WOD, that is my favorite.  I was born and raised in Reedley. I grew up playing football, baseball, and track.  I graduated Reedley College and went to Fresno State.  Fitness has always been a part of my life and success.

CrossFit Level 1






My first WOD I ever did was The Seven, it is still one of my favorites along with Hero WOD The Chief.  I have been coaching all sports for 15 years and CrossFit for 6 years.  I have a BS in Kinesiology in physical education and adaptive PE and teach High School and Middle School.  I hold a Level 2 CrossFit Certification.  I love seeing people’s growth and performance increase in health.  I always look forward to personal growth and my constant pursuit of fitness.  I always striving add value to our CrossFit community by being a well-rounded CrossFit Coach and good human being.

BS in Kinesiology

CrossFit Level 2






I started CrossFit the summer of 2016.  I remember walking into Gnardog and grabbing a business card and introducing myself to some of the Coaches on that Sunday.  My favorite WOD is probably Fran. I enjoy the fire breathing and the more hurtful the workout the better.  I love the welcoming community.  This community can be push you to be a better person inside and outside of the gym.  What I like about Coaching is the ability to see someone push themselves.  I enjoy seeing people reach those limits because we are always capable of more than we think. Outside of the Box I work as a Wildland Firefighter.  Six months out fo the year I am usually unavailable and you won'd see me around as much.  I love my job.  My hobbies include traveling with my dog, skateboarding and hanging out with my friends and family. 

CrossFit Level 1




GDFit30 Coach

I started CrossFit in the summer of 2017.  I love any WOD with bikes or boxes and I do love HERO WOD MURPH.  The variety of CrossFit is why I love it.  Each day is different and each Coach brings something new to the workout.  A Coach can say one statement about a movement and suddenly I get it!  I improve my form or it inspires me to try a heavier weight. I love the people; helping them become comfortable, successful in the movements, watching their confidence and skills improve.  Fitness has so many effects on the body, not just physically but mentally.  Seeing members laugh and smile together while they sweat it out, makes coaching some much fun.  In my free time, I love to work out.  I love watching my son play football and basketball.  I’m also a part of the El Rio Reyes Guild, a fundraising guild for Valley Children’s Hospital, and a volunteer with the American Red Cross.  The Crossfit community is what makes Crossfit special.  The friendships and inspiration are amazing!  It makes me a better Coach, Athlete, and Person.

BS Public Health & RN
Certified PT & Group, & 
Silver Sneakers/Senior Fitness



GDFit Kickboxing Coach





I started CrossFit September 4, 2013 and my favorite WOD is Swinging Annie.  The community feel and the supportive encouraging people is what I like most about CrossFit.  It is a great feeling to be helpful to other people when I Coach.  It makes me very happy.  Outside of CrossFit I am a Bookkeeper and a Elementary and Jr. High Coach.  I love to Golf, build puzzles, and raise my two girls.  




Coach Trainee

I started CrossFit in 2015 and my favorite WOD is Hero WOD Hollyman.  The atmosphere, the people, and the rapport with Coaches is a big part of why I love it.  CrossFit is the ultimate stress reliever from daily life and work.   Coaching teaches me patience.  It is a humbling experience helping others achieve their goals at all levels of fitness.  Outside of CrossFit I am a Nurse Practitioner at Valley Childrens Neuro Surgery. I have been in my profession for 22 years.   In my free time I like to shoot, read, travel, and go out.  


Master's Nursing 

ACLS & ATLS Certifications



Coach Trainee

I started CrossFit in 2013.  Cindy is my favorite WOD. What I like most about CrossFit is being able to challenge myself physically and mentally each time I am in the gym.  There is a reward of helping people get better when I Coach.  Outside of CrossFit I work for the City of Fresno as a Commercial Inspector; I have been in some type of construction for 28 years. I enjoy gardening, spending time with my grandkids, and traveling with my wife. 



Coach Trainee

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